Bailey - Knock em out

Saturday 25 December 2010

Mise - en - sene filming days prep

So we are only a few days away from filming now. Today we had a group discussion and talked about the mise en sene in the filming on different days as we need to be prepared. We discussed the clothing, locations (although these had already been planned) and props.

Filming day 1:
Location: Danielles bedroom

Props: mobile phone

Costumes: cat top, and long beige socks

Filming day 2:

location: kings head pub:

props: pint glass and apple juice to look like a pint of larger
Costumes: oyinda- beige heels and leggings, flowery top, John - jumper and jeans (casual)

Filming day 3:

location: school photography room

props: glitter, fake flowers (4 screen)
costumes: oyinda-polka dot dress, John-red jumper and jeans (casual)

Filming day 4:

Location: Park (playing fields)

props: bike (dolly) lighter, bag

Oyinda-brown lace heels, leggings and a top, John-coat, jeans.

Monday 20 December 2010

Questionairre based on my music Video

After much research on Andrew Goodwins music video I've managed to apply some of his components into my questionnaire.

In my questionnaire have used both quantitative and qualitative questions because although it does take time to fill in questionnaires qualitative questions give more detail and are more rich in detail; we won't get rich detail about peoples real opinions by just ticking boxes and using quantitative questions. Quantitative questions are also needed to get an overall picture of the people answering the questions eg. age, gender. Below in an example of my questionnaire and some data I've correlated together. I Questionnaires 40 students at my sixth form.

(please circle questions or write in the appropriate answer)

Name: _________

Male - Female

Age: 0-15 16-25 26-35 36+

What is your occupation: _____________

What is your favourite music genre: Pop Rock Country Indie Dance R&B Contemporary

How do you access your music videos: Internet, Television

Name two expectations you have of a 'Pop' music video?

What makes you watch a music video more than once?

Do you think it is important to have the artist in his/her music video?

What Costumes do you expect in a Pop music video?

What are your expectations of a music video from Lily Allen?

What is your favourite Lily Allen music video and why?

What do you want from my music video, Made up to fit the song 'Knock em out' By Lily Allen?

Data collected

What is your favourite music video?

From my research I've put into a bar chart I've found that the most popular genre I found was pop. This shows that pop music is a good genre to do a music video to as their is a wide audience and a high chance of success. However my results could be biased in some way as 95% of the people I questioned were female students of the age bracket 16-25 as I questioned them at my all girls sixth form. If I wanted to get a more generalised picture I'd have to go round different areas collecting data and ask males and females of various ages.

How do you access your music videos, TV or Internet.

I found that the majority of TV and Internet choices are relatively mixed. This shows that when distributing my music video to a wider audience I'd probably post my music video on the Internet and also to a local and international TV site such as MTV or 4music website.

Lastly I asked the question... what characteristics do you expect in a Pop music video and presented it in a wordle.

From my research It should help with the progress of my music video and Will be able to please the audience with the expectations.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Andrew Goodwins music video Theory:

Whilst researching questionnaires I found a very inspirational theory of music videos by Andrew Goodwin:

Andrew Goodwin has identified a number of key features which distinguish the music
video as a form:
- There is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating,
amplifying or contradicting the lyrics.
- There is a relationship between the music and the visuals, with the visuals illustrating,
amplifying or contradicting the music.
- Genres are complex and diverse in terms of music video style and iconography
- Record companies will demand a lot of close-ups of the main artist or vocalist
- Voyeurism is present in many music videos, especially in the treatment of females, but
also in terms of systems of looking. Some examples are screens within screens,
cameras, mirrors, etc.
- there are likely to be inter textual references, either to other music videos or to films and
TV texts, these provide further gratification and pleasure for the viewers/fan

To explain it further I've found a video on Google about Andrew Goodwins music theory below

Friday 10 December 2010

Filming - Practice

Today we did our first music video shoot! We did this in our media lesson time as we were allowed to go out as we were so excited to start filming. Whilst filming we had to keep in mind the rule of thirds, lighting, composition and framing. We just went to the roads by the school as it was so cold and snowing. We didn't follow any set story boards as we were only practicing so we improvised. We played Danielle's Ipod so Oyinda (actress) could lip sync along. We got quite a few funny shots such as a shot of some builders who agreed to play a small part in our video! Here are a few snap shots of the day and the final edited practice below. We realised after editing the piece we did not have barely enough footage to even make a chorus which has definitely made up realise we need to film 100 times more than we need!

I made this little piece above of the beginning of the song. I editing the beginning of the trees with a soft focus effect whilst slowing down the clip. I think this is really effective as it gives a tranquil setting and establishes the scene. However this shot is FAR to long and we would need different shot types if there were going to be in the final product.

My group and I edited this montage. This was the first practice filming and although we didn't get enough shot types in I really life some of the shots. My favourite shot has to be the one of the builders. This shot really fits in with the Lilly Allen song as being really cheeky. I also LOVE the lighting on the shot were we throw leafs over Oyinda. The light captures the camera as the perfect angle. We added the song A kiss with a fist by Florence and the Machine as we thought this fit the video.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Story Boarding

My group and I have now starting story boarding! It's such an exciting process as you can see the video piecing together with ideas constantly flowing through your head. I recently made an example story board of the video 'The show' by Lenka and now my group and I are storyboarding our final video!
I had to think of every little detail such as what props will be in that shot, how many seconds is the shot, the mise-en-sen such as lighting, costume, props and makeup, the angle and framing of the shot, the facial expressions! it's such a long process, and i thought story boarding last year was enough but music videos have even more detail! we also have to keep in mind the marking criteria to try and reach those A's and B's!

Here is an example of the marking criteria and also an example of my first music video story board below!

Saturday 4 December 2010

Intertextuality in the music video

In my music video my group and I thought it would be a good idea to add components of intertextuality.

So what is intertextuality?

''Intertextuality is the shaping of texts' meanings by other texts. It can refer to an author’s borrowing and transformation of a prior text or to a reader’s referencing of one text in reading another.''

In simpler terms, intertextuality is when you incorporate another media within a media.

In our music video were going to be playing on the feminist idea. Feminism refers to equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women. feminism thus seeks to liberate men as well as women. In our music video we will be trying to promote equality and feminism. We were thinking in the bedroom scene the girl will be dressed girly, however
there will be a WW1 poser up.

This song by Daisy dares you also has element of intertextuality running through with the Alice in wonderland theme.

Whilst watching magic music video on TV Pinks new video for Raise your glass came up, I was fascinated to discover some of our ideas were in her music video, this shows we really are tihnking like professional producers! The idea of the WW1 we can do it posters she has Incorporated into her video, with the wearing the head scarf and the flexing of one arm is exactly what we have just filmed in our first filming session, because we are using these posters as the anti feminist iconography in our music video.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Theories associated with Film Genre

Film genre is an important factor for film-makers and audiences. Films are categorised by genre at every stage from the screenwriter to store. A lot of study has been conducted into the categorisation of film and how it informs our understanding of the film as text. There is a lot of commercial interest in the way people classify and choose to watch movies.

There are two approaches to the study of film genre.


Involves viewing a film as belonging to a category. It is perceived as sharing aspects and attributes with other films in the same category.


Where the genre film is perceived as "collective expressions’’ of contemporary. The repetitions of patterns in a genre film are the repetitions of social questioning that must be repeated from generation to generation, as values change.

A combination of these two is whereby a film is considered as both part of a paradigmatic set, and as the product of a time and place.

Monday 29 November 2010

A band or single performer?

So basically at the moment the band is called: 'The Coralliens' where there is four band members. However I've been doing some thinking and I wasn't sure if a band would be appropriate for the song knock em out by Lilly Allen as she is a single performer. The story board could be tailored to either a single performer or a band as all we would do is change the people.

Band idea:

If we were to have a band then the idea would be to have four band members and them changing in the song (like the Tia maria video below. For example in the performance part of our idea the girls would be performing but changing faces and costumes. However as all four of us wouldn't be able to be in it and film this would cause problems on getting the correct angles and composition. Another idea also came into action. We could still have the band but there is one main girl singer and the others feature, however after much research into band videos you often see the band constantly together whereas if we were to have one main singer and other band member this wouldn't look like a proper band and defeat the whole object of a band.

Spice girls - wannabe

Girls aloud biology

The Saturdays - Higher

As you can see in all these popular band videos the band members are constantly featured together. I think we should conform to band characteristics and constantly features us, no just in some parts.

Single Performer idea:

The second idea for the video would be to just have on single performer. We were thinking this as the song is by Lilly Allen, a single performer. For this we would just Taylor the story board to the single performer. However I realised were not actually doing a Lilly Allen performance, we are the Coralliens! We therefore should Taylor the song to our band. As long as we tick all of the marking criteria and get the right shots then the video fit the band.

Pixie Lott - Broken Arrow

As you can see the video is mostly featuring just the main performer. I think we should stick to the band idea as I want us to all feature in it!

Friday 26 November 2010

The unique coralliens!

I'm very excited to start filming now as our band is established and our song chosen. The reason why I think the coralliens would be popular is because of our uniqueness. I think a band has to portray signs or originality and be unique to everyone else. An inspirational band and who are remembered for their original charactor are the Spice Girls!

The spice Girls

The spice girls are famously known for their each unique charactors in the band.

Monday 22 November 2010

Audience and producer research

A text is usually associated with the content and genre. The key elements inside the text are referred to as paradigms and associate with costume, music etc. depending on the medium.
Audiences recognise these elements and bring expectations to the text. These paradigms are grouped through: iconography (signs and symbols), structure (How text is put together) and theme (issues and ideas).
Genre is important for both the audience and the producers.

Conformity to established conventions as it gives the audience what they want. As genres are established many people want a taste of what its’ like therefore more studios send out that same genre. However the audience soon get bored and loose interest as there is so much choice and repetition. An example of this boredom is through reality television shows with contestants, prizes, themes and iconography, the audience know what to expect and just get bored.
genre provides structure and form which allows creativity . Characteristics of genre are constantly changing to audience tastes as values change through time.

Friday 19 November 2010

Challening or conforming to conventions of pop music video?

In most music videos such as those examples below the usual norm in music videos is to follow the man around and the male usually being the main protagonist. However my group and I want to challenge these conventions with the female being the main protagonist. We want to incorporate a feminist view that the women is in face in charge instead of the man. In modern society we women no longer have to rely on men to earn a living or support a family due to many social factors such as higher female employment and welfare benefits.

In our music video were going to have the male being rejected by the female and the boy basically chasing the girl in the whole video.

Conforming to music conventions:

50 cent - Candy shop, here the girls are all conforming to the stereotypical view of men being in power, they are using their sex appeal to seduce the male.

Monday 15 November 2010

Audience theory research.

Audience theory is how the audience will react to a text, or in my case a music

The Hypodermic Needle Model

From the early 1900’s Hypodermic needle theory was first used to explain how audiences react to mass media. It suggests audiences receive information transmitted by media text and don’t attempt to challenge the data. In th1 1900’s when this theory was first developed was a time when mass media was fairly recent. The government had only just discovered the power of advertising to pass on a message and influence people.
The model suggests information from a text transmits into the consciousness of a audience. It suggests we are manipulated by the text and our way of thinking and ways may change to suit that hypothesis. This theory is still used relatively recently by parents, politicians and educators to explain why some people shouldn’t be exposed to certain types of information. For example a young child watching violent films may be prone to copy their behaviour, therefore acting upon the media text.

Two-Step Flow

Media researchers attempted to find a more precise theory to explain the relationship between audience and media text. As media is such an influential part of society it needs to influence people way of thinking.
Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet attempted to evaluate Voters desicsions in the 1940 election and processed the results in the people’s choice. They proposed information doesn’t flow strait from the text to the audience mind but is clarified through opinion leaders to communicate and have an influence. The audience will then make a decision based from the direct media but also the opinions, A two-step follow. Social factors are also to the way audience’s interpreted text.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Can't Knock em out - storyboarding

In As Media I created a story board for two minutes of a horror film, however in AS the film was allot less choppier with allot less different shot types. In music videos there should be at least 150 different shots!

So far we are half way through our story board, it's tooken us all week just to do this one! It's a very long and tiring process making sure we get all the correct shot types in, whilst making it fit the beat! We timed the lyrics to the shot types so when editing we will know where everything fits in! This is our first story board so there could indeed be a few more changes!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Soloist and lip syncing!

Right even though I've only just posted a blog about how were going to be such an amazing band, we are now a soloist! After much discussion and lip syncing we realised it would be difficult for us ALL to learn the song and it would actually look better as a soloist! However were going to have to come up with a new band name now, this isn't too difficult and we can still use our storyboard.

However as we all want to be the main artist on Friday or Wednesday were going to have to show the class a clip of us lip-syncing. Then the audience will vote on who looks the best lip syncing. Danielle and I practised some lip syncing today for reach for the stars by S-club 7! and Can't knock em out by Lilly Allen (below)

We found that when lip syncing Lilly Allen knock em out it was such a hard song as the lyrics are fast. Therefore whoever is the artist really needs to knock the song of by heart and really exaggerate the words or it won't look right.

Cant knock em out - Lilly Allen

Reach for the stars!

Sunday 31 October 2010

Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin

Today Dom, Jess, Emma, Oyinda and I (see picture below) went to see Charlie Chaplin at the cinema.

Sir Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin (see picture below), was an English comic actor and film director of silent films. He became one of the best-known film stars in the world and used mine, slapstick and other visual comedy routines. Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era.

When we first got to the cinema we didn't know what to expect, although we did get free popcorn and a drink :) We went to see Modern times made in 1936. Although silent films were no longer made in Hollywood after 1929 Chaplin still made Modern times as a silent movie. Silent movies enable you to make up our own story line and we entertain ourselves through the actions.

The film lasted approximately 96 minutes and was very exciting and funny! It represented working class people as treat bad and opposed upon by authority. Middle class people were seen as nice, big house and very happy. In modern times Charlie is trying to achieve the American dream in the department store and bring the message across that if you keep trying you get happiness.

Watching the silent movie really made me realise how much media and television has progressed through the year. From black and white silent movies to now HD, 3D full colour TV with blaring speakers! I would definitely recommend going to see one of his films!

Here is a short clip from some of his work:

Above is a picture of the cinema!

Friday 29 October 2010

The corraliens

We decided our group needed a catchy, edgy and bold band name. After much consolation we thought of many different names such as Leopards, Tigers, the weather girls... however these just sounded cheesy and didn't fit the representation we wanted to give of. We finally came up with 'The Coralliens' We decided a colour which represented us as group. We thought of coral as it is a classy and sophisticated yet girly word! However being called the 'Corals' is a bit dull and unoriginal therefore we decided to translate this into a common language and French had the best sound!

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Audience feedback

After presenting our treatment to the class based on our music video ideas we gained feedback from fellow peers. We received mostly positive and constructive feedback. Here I created a wordle based on the audience feedback received. Audience feedback is an important process which must be regularly collected, after all they will be the ones watching it, and if it was on the market they would be the ones buying the product, therefore we need to take every feedback account on board.

  • Good use of tia maria advert
  • Practical idea
  • Like the changing costume idea
  • Girly costumes and make up fit in well with the song
  • Good
  • Current
  • Bright
  • Fun
  • Girl
  • Quirky
  • Exciting
  • Like the bright colours
  • Quirky
  • Fun
  • Bright
  • Good idea
  • Conforms to pop
  • pop
  • pink
  • colourful

As you can see from this wordle Good, Quirky, fun and bright mostly represents our video which is exactly the image we want to create!

Monday 25 October 2010

Tia maria advert

Our idea is to have the group featuring int he video in one point of view with the clothes changes and the person changing as she walks down the path lip syncing. We'll edit the outfit changes to the quick beats of the song. The Tia maria advert below is similar to the effect we want to create.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Treatment Presentation

After finishing our treatment we had to present it to the class and show them our ideas! We recieved audience feedback which is presented on the above post. We included ideas about our location, the make up, mise-en-sene, costume and other bits of information! Take a look!

Monday 18 October 2010

Copy wright issues

So here is an email asking regal production who signs Lilly Allen to give us permission to produce a video. This is so we wont have any implications or offend the artist in anyway. I will be waiting for a reply.Post Options

Sunday 17 October 2010


Here is a copy of my treatment my group and I presented to the class. Here we had to relate ideas to our chosen song 'Knock em out' by Lilly Allen. We thought of aspects such a mise-en-sene, relating ideas to lyrics, locations, background behind the song and whether it's conforming to similar pop videos, or not. Shortly I will be uploading a clip of out treatment which was presented to the class with audience feed back.

Saturday 16 October 2010

Chosen final song

After much discussion we've finally decided to choose Lilly Allen's song 'knock em out' I really do like this video mainly because it doesn't actually have any video associated with it, the lyrics are funny and humerus and therefore find I will be able to make a successful music video associated with the representation!

Alright so this is a song about anyone, it could be anyone.
You're just doing your own thing and some one comes out the blue,
They're like,
What ya saying,
"Yeah can I take your digits?"
And you're like, "no not in a million years, you're nasty
please leave me alone."

Cut to the pub on our last night out,
Man at the bar cos it was his shout,
Clocks this bird and she looks OK,
Caught him looking and she walks his way,
"Alright darling, you gonna buy us a drink then?"
"Err no, but I was thinking of buying one for your friend..."

She's got no taste hand on his waist, tries to pull away but her lips on his face,
"If you insist I'll have a white wine spritzer"
"Sorry love, but you ain't a pretty picture."

Can't knock em out, can't walk away,
Try desperately to think of the politest way to say,
Just get out my face, just leave me alone,
And no you can't have my number,
Because I've lost my phone.

Oh yeah, actually yeah I'm pregnant, having a baby in like 6 months so no, yeah, yeah...

"I recognize this guy's way of thinking..."
As he comes over her face starts sinking,
She's like,
"Oh here we go.."
It's a routine check that she already knows, she's thinking: "They're all the same."

"Yeah you alright baby? You look alright still, yeah what's your name?"
She looks in her bag, takes out a fag, tries to get away from the guy on a blag, can't find a light,
"Here use mine"
"You see the thing is I just don't have the time."


Go away now, let me go,
Are you stupid? Or just a little slow?
Go away now I've made myself clear,
Nah it's not gonna happen,
Not in a a million years,

[Chorus x2]

Nah I've gotta go cos my house is on fire,
I've got herpes, err no I've got syphilis...
AIDS, AIDS, I've got AIDS!

And here are some of our ideas!

For maybe the opening to the song we were thinking of having a shot of the sky then speeding it up
2. Alright so this is a song about anyone, it could be anyone.

You're just doing your own thing and some one comes out the blue, - we're going to edit this into a staggered shot, this will show all four characters and will reflect the lyrics.

3. Go to the pub on our last night out, - Quick shot where is says cut, then cut to a pub setting.
4. [Chorus]
Can't knock em out, can't walk away,
Try desperately to think of the politest way to say, ------ Walking down the path, costumes changing. pros changing, jumpy shots, character change, fast pace editing.

5.Oh yeah, actually yeah I'm pregnant, having a baby in like 6 months so no, yeah,- The character will pretend to be pregnant, pregnancy test - close up shot of the guy with a pregnancy test waving in his face, Girl holding pregnancy test and girl blurred.

6. "I recognize this guy's way of thinking..."
As he comes over her face starts sinking, - Long shot of girl standing at one end, and boy at other. Different angles looking at each other who emphasises how far apart they are. 

7. She's like,
"Oh here we go.." - She walks off shot, close up shot with red lipstick saying here we go.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Four Final Initial Ideas

After researching potential artists we like, my group and I are at the stage now where we are narrowing down songs for a final potential music video. Here are some of the ideas we think could work:

After researching Lilly Allen a lot, I really have come to like her music. As an artist she is very feminine, funky and quirky which represents me. Below are two of my favorite songs of hers:

Lilly Allen- Knock em out

I really like this song as a potential song for our video because it's fun and upbeat. The lyrics are really humorous in the song as well so we can have fun making it! Another good point to this song is that it doesn't already have a video to it, therefore we wont get our video compared to the real thing and we can come up with some real creative ideas! We've noticed a pattern in Lilly Allen songs which we would follow. The videos are never too serious but just the character having fun!
Here are a few ideas we are thinking about for this video:

  • Walking down a pathway with boys coming to her pestering her.

  • Pink lolly to signify femininity

  • Challenging pop video conventions by having four main girl characters with only one boy. Usually the men are surrounded by explicit women.

  • Autumn scene with trees like in the video 'The fear'

  • Most of the song the main character will be lip syncing

A second song from Lilly Allen I personally thought would make a good video is 'The fear'

I really like this song as a potential choice as the lyrics are very quirky and semantic. However although it does have a video to it we could still make it original as the video isn't to well known. The song has a less upbeat tone to knock em out and it more acoustically calm.

I really like the lyrics in it as well. The line 'forget about guna and forget ammunition's coz i'm killing them all on my own little missions' For this we could have a girls playing a spy game running through the woods, or a paint balls fight!
This would be a very fun video to make as the lyrics are so realistic.

Whilst watching a film the other night the song 'Lenka The show' came on.

I really love this song as it's so cute and people would be able to relate to the lyrics. This is a very quirky and simple song to do. Here are some of the lyrics and ideas:

Slow it down, make it stop - We could have a sign with a lolly pop man

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
Can't do it alone
I've tried, but i don't know why

For the chorus above I was thinking we could have a girl in a maze with a high angle shot from above showing shes in the middle of the maze with two guys trying to get to her first, kind of like a romantic rivalry.

Kate Nash - Foundations

I've always loved this song and think it's very feminine, fun and quirky song to do! however as the video is to good I would think people would compare it! Kate Nash's videos are all very inspirational and have amazing lyrics to put a video together. Here are some of my favourite lines!

You said I must eat so many lemons
Your face is pasty 'cause you've gone and got so wasted, what a surprise.

My finger tips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation,
and I know that I should let go,
but I can't.
And every time we fight I know it's not right,
every time that you're upset and I smile.
I know I should forget, but I can't.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Analysing technical codes in pop music videos.

Camera Work:

The camera work in all music videos is very important to send across to the audience the right message. You pick up a lot of the meaning from the camera works with the use of high angled shots, low angled shows and closeups to determine the emotions. As in a pop music video there will be probably dancing, walking and generally allot of movement therefore camera movement will be needed to accompany the movement of the performers.

Close up predominates

Close ups are a must have in all music videos. Especially pop because of the desire to create emotion and intimacy and to connect with the audience to get them hooked.
In pop music videos close ups are often used to create a fun and hook emotion into the song. In our music video we'd be using lots of close-ups and various different shots.


The most common form of editing in music videos is fast pace montages which grasp the viewers attention. However slow pace editing is also used in music videos to create intensity and emotion. Here are two videos showing different paces to create a mood:

Coldplay - Violet hill

This video by Coldplay (violet hill) uses faster pace editing to created a montage of the characters moving in the band. This grasps the audiences attention to keep watching the video. This is an effect my group and I would be interested in using when the girl is walking down the path and the clothes would change. This would be done by filming the girl walking, then changing their clothes and cutting to the next shot in the same position.

Radiohead - No surprises

This song by radio head (no surprises) creates a more tranquil mood till the coldplay song. This used very slow pace editing with few transition and cuts. The camera movement is more framed and still therefore gives a more subtle and quite scene.

Digital effects

The use of digital effects in music videos really make the videos unique. Effects play on the original footage to enhance the viewing and make it more enjoyable to watch. Here are a few effects which really grab the attention of the audience:

Radio head - Street Spirit

I really like the fact that this video is in black and white for a start. However I absolutely love the very slow and cautious movement of the characters. For example when the character falls, but its in slow motion, and when he falls in his chair and its in slow motion. I really like the random quick flashes in between the shots aswel, however I must say one of my favorite shots of all if when the paint is thrown over the young boy but its in slow motion and passes past him. I would really like to re-create this shot applying it to our own pop song.

Black eyed peas - Boom Boom Pow

In this video I really like the computerized effects, however this video has a twist as the effects are actually filmed. I think this video has a really contemporary feel to it with its various digital effects and the upbeat rhythm.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Kate Nash Artist Research

Kate Nash Profile:

Full name: Kate Marie Nash
Date of birth; 6th July 1987
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Brent, London, England
Job: English recording artist (soloist)
Siblings: sisters Helen and Clare
Parents: English father, Irish Mother
Music instruments: Piano, Guitar,

Early Life:

Kate was interested in music as a child. She was taught guitar by her teacher then studied Theater at the BRIT School for Performing Arts and Technology in South London. She auditioned at the Bristol Old Vic Theater School but was rejected after injuring herself and was housebound so she got a electric guitar where she focused on songwriting. She began performing at local bars and gigs.

Musical Career.

Kate began uploaded her music to MySpace. Her single, "Caroline's a Victim" / "Birdswas then released through Moshi Moshi Records in February 2007. The release was limited to 1000 copies however due to demand another 1000 copies were made and sold out. The song received airplay on MTV2. The B-side, "Birds", later featured on her début album, Made of Bricks.

Kate's first single - Caroline a victim

First Album - Made of Bricks

She was later signed to polydor where she released her second single 'Foundations' In 2007 which reached number 2 in the charts, furthermore the album 'made of bricks was later released.'
The Independent described the album as worst album of the year, however the album was successful and reached number 1 in the UK album charts.
she released three more singles from the album. "Mouthwash" and "Pumpkin Soup" both made the Top 40 in the UK Singles Chart.

Kates first album (cover)- Made of bricks

Kates hit single pumpkin soup from her album - Made of bricks.

Second album - My best friend is you.

In 2009 Kate worked on her second album - my best friend is you.
She later announced her tour for the album. The sound was described as completely different from her debut album and having a "Girl Group" sound, taking influence from Motown stars such as Diana Ross and The Supremes.

Kates album cover - My best friend is you.

Here is the first single (doo wah doo) released from her album - my best friend is you.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Katy Perry Artist Research

Full name: Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson
Date of birth; born October 25, 1984
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Santa Barbara, california
Job: American singer, songwriter
Siblings: sister Angela, brother David
Parents: Kaith and Mary

Early Life:

As a child, she learned how to dance in Santa Barbara. Katy decided to leave school to pursue a career in music. She started singing using cassette tapes. She rehearsed the songs and performed them then took voice lessons and age 9 - 16 and later enrolled at music academy of santa barbara.

Musical Career:

She signed her first contract to music label Red Hill she released her first album of gospel rock, but the album was not a hit. At the age of 17 she worked with Glen Ballard on an album for record label Island however was unsuccesful. Some of Perry and Ballard's collaborations included "Simple", one of the songs she recorded with Ballard, was released on the soundtrack to the 2005 film The sister hood of the Traveling Pants.

Katy Perry music video for "Simple" from the soundtrack of "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants"

Katy signed Columbia Records in 2004, she started her own album and then was dropped by her label. In 2006, She appeared in other music vidoes such as Learn to fly and gym class heroes video cupid's chokehold. Her songs eventually captured the attention of virgin records who signed her to Capitol Music in early 2007.

Katy featuring in Cupid love choke video above.

First album: One of the Boys was released on June 17, 2008

The single I kissed a girl was released in 2008. The song reached number 1 in the top of the charts and internationally. Perry released her second single, 'Hot n cold' which was also a huge success"I Kissed a Girl" earned a nomination for Best female pop vocal performance at the 2009 Grammy Awards.

Album cover of 'One of the boys'

Hit single 'I kissed a girl' from the album one of the boys.

Second album: Teenage Dream

The first single from the album is California girls. The single took only four weeks to reach the number one spot on the Billboard 100.

Cover of Katy's album: Teenage Dream.

Hit single: California Gurls.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Lilly Allen artist Research

Lily Allen Profile:

Full name: Lily Rose Beatrice Allen
Date of birth; 2nd May 1985
Gender: Female
Place of birth: Hammersmith, West London
Job: English recording artist (soloist)
Siblings: sister Sarah; brother Alfie and a younger sister Rebecca.
Parents: Keith Allen (actor, musician) & Alison Owen (film producer)
Music instruments: violin, guitar and trumpet and Piano.

Early Life:

At the age of 3 Allen appeared on ‘The Yob’ episode which her father had co-written. At the age of 4 Lilly’s dad had left the family home living in a council house. She attended 13 public schools however got expelled for bad behaviour.

Allen was first recognised at by Rachel Santesso overheard Allen singing Wonder wall by Oasis in the school's playground she was impressed and gave her singing lessons.

Allen’s first big role was in lady-in-waiting (1998) which was co-produced by her mother. She dropped out of school at age fifteen and earned money by working at a Plastic Fantastic record store and dealing ecstasy.

Lilly’s musical career:

After leaving school Allen she created demo songs and created a profile on My Space, where she made some of her recordings public. Allen was rejected by several labels. Lily used her father's connections to get signed to London Records a part of the Warner Music in 2002.
She began writing songs, and her manager introduced her to production duo Future Cut in 2004. They worked in a small studio in 2005, Allen was signed to Regal Recordings who also signed coldplay and Gorillaz.

First album - Alright, still

In 2006 she began to work on completing her first album and her single "Smile" which peaked in UK Singles Chart. On July 2006 Lilly’s record, Alright, Still, was top on the international market (2.6 million copies sold)
The CD includes 11 - 14 tracks most of which were previewed on her My Space page including the singles "Smile , "LDN", "Knock 'Em Out", and "Alfie". "Friday Night", co-written with Jonny Bull, was also included, alongside "Littlest Things" produced by Mark Ronson

Second album - It's not me it's you

Her second major album release, Lilly was nominated at the Grammy Awards, BRIT Awards and MTV Video Music Awards. It's Not Me, It's You is the second album by Lily Allen released on 9 February 2009 by Regal Recordings and on 10 February in North America by Parlophone Records. It sold over 900,000 copies in the UK.
The hit singles "The Fear" and "Fuck You’’ where most popular in the album.

Lilly was nominated at the Grammy Awards, BRIT Awards and MTV Video Music Awards. She then began hosting her own talk-show, Lily Allen and Friends, on BBC Three

Album cover of: It's not me it's you.

Lilly Allens hits single: The fear from the alum its not you it's me.

Lilly Allens Myspace.

Allen received a 2008 NME Award nomination for the category of "Best Band Blog."She was the fifth most popular musical act of 2008, according to the social networking site.

Lilly’s Target audience:

Lilly Allen has a target audience of teens who like pop music. She is well known for her style and fashion labels. Her fashion line directs a wider female audience than her music. Magazines that lily is often featured in grab an even wider audience so more people listen to her music. The media portrays Lilly Allen as a bold varies artists, she is shown to the audience as various this may be because her music is a mixture of different genres.