Bailey - Knock em out

Monday 20 December 2010

Questionairre based on my music Video

After much research on Andrew Goodwins music video I've managed to apply some of his components into my questionnaire.

In my questionnaire have used both quantitative and qualitative questions because although it does take time to fill in questionnaires qualitative questions give more detail and are more rich in detail; we won't get rich detail about peoples real opinions by just ticking boxes and using quantitative questions. Quantitative questions are also needed to get an overall picture of the people answering the questions eg. age, gender. Below in an example of my questionnaire and some data I've correlated together. I Questionnaires 40 students at my sixth form.

(please circle questions or write in the appropriate answer)

Name: _________

Male - Female

Age: 0-15 16-25 26-35 36+

What is your occupation: _____________

What is your favourite music genre: Pop Rock Country Indie Dance R&B Contemporary

How do you access your music videos: Internet, Television

Name two expectations you have of a 'Pop' music video?

What makes you watch a music video more than once?

Do you think it is important to have the artist in his/her music video?

What Costumes do you expect in a Pop music video?

What are your expectations of a music video from Lily Allen?

What is your favourite Lily Allen music video and why?

What do you want from my music video, Made up to fit the song 'Knock em out' By Lily Allen?

Data collected

What is your favourite music video?

From my research I've put into a bar chart I've found that the most popular genre I found was pop. This shows that pop music is a good genre to do a music video to as their is a wide audience and a high chance of success. However my results could be biased in some way as 95% of the people I questioned were female students of the age bracket 16-25 as I questioned them at my all girls sixth form. If I wanted to get a more generalised picture I'd have to go round different areas collecting data and ask males and females of various ages.

How do you access your music videos, TV or Internet.

I found that the majority of TV and Internet choices are relatively mixed. This shows that when distributing my music video to a wider audience I'd probably post my music video on the Internet and also to a local and international TV site such as MTV or 4music website.

Lastly I asked the question... what characteristics do you expect in a Pop music video and presented it in a wordle.

From my research It should help with the progress of my music video and Will be able to please the audience with the expectations.

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