Bailey - Knock em out

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Analysing technical codes in pop music videos.

Camera Work:

The camera work in all music videos is very important to send across to the audience the right message. You pick up a lot of the meaning from the camera works with the use of high angled shots, low angled shows and closeups to determine the emotions. As in a pop music video there will be probably dancing, walking and generally allot of movement therefore camera movement will be needed to accompany the movement of the performers.

Close up predominates

Close ups are a must have in all music videos. Especially pop because of the desire to create emotion and intimacy and to connect with the audience to get them hooked.
In pop music videos close ups are often used to create a fun and hook emotion into the song. In our music video we'd be using lots of close-ups and various different shots.


The most common form of editing in music videos is fast pace montages which grasp the viewers attention. However slow pace editing is also used in music videos to create intensity and emotion. Here are two videos showing different paces to create a mood:

Coldplay - Violet hill

This video by Coldplay (violet hill) uses faster pace editing to created a montage of the characters moving in the band. This grasps the audiences attention to keep watching the video. This is an effect my group and I would be interested in using when the girl is walking down the path and the clothes would change. This would be done by filming the girl walking, then changing their clothes and cutting to the next shot in the same position.

Radiohead - No surprises

This song by radio head (no surprises) creates a more tranquil mood till the coldplay song. This used very slow pace editing with few transition and cuts. The camera movement is more framed and still therefore gives a more subtle and quite scene.

Digital effects

The use of digital effects in music videos really make the videos unique. Effects play on the original footage to enhance the viewing and make it more enjoyable to watch. Here are a few effects which really grab the attention of the audience:

Radio head - Street Spirit

I really like the fact that this video is in black and white for a start. However I absolutely love the very slow and cautious movement of the characters. For example when the character falls, but its in slow motion, and when he falls in his chair and its in slow motion. I really like the random quick flashes in between the shots aswel, however I must say one of my favorite shots of all if when the paint is thrown over the young boy but its in slow motion and passes past him. I would really like to re-create this shot applying it to our own pop song.

Black eyed peas - Boom Boom Pow

In this video I really like the computerized effects, however this video has a twist as the effects are actually filmed. I think this video has a really contemporary feel to it with its various digital effects and the upbeat rhythm.

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