Bailey - Knock em out

Sunday 23 January 2011

Filming Day three - Photography room

The third Location we filmed was in the photography room! We had a black and a white back drop with lights so we could get a good lighting shot. This will be incorporated in the performance elements. Here we filmed the slip screens and four screens. The first shot involved glitter! How ever messy and exciting! We filmed John first of all form a side view blowing glitter (supposedly onto Oyinda) we then filmed a front wide shot of oyinda with glitter blowing on her face. Similarly to the Florence and machine video Oyinda pulls a disgust face to show she is not impressed. She was wearing an orange striped stress, this was very quirky and as we used a black back drop really brang out the colours of orange a gold.

Futhermore we filmed Oyinda and John together messing about with Oyinda pushing him away this really fits with the narrative of our video with the girl just not interesting and challenging the forms and conventions. Furthermore a really good effect used was John throwing confetti over oyinda which showed she was really not interested and the boy was trying to impress her so much. I was thinking we could do a reverse effect on this to show that the girl is saying take all of this back I don't want your attention.

Lastly We then different shots of the split screen. so that when editing we can put them together to make the split screen scenes, we filmed John pass a bunch of flowers off shot and then Oyinda picking one up from out of the shot. We also filmed John knocking so when we edit them together it will be as if John was knocking on Oyinda's part of the screen we filmed Oyinda ignoring him.

The next location were of to see is... THE PARK! I cant wait to just edit it all, it's all going to be very exciting!

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