Bailey - Knock em out

Monday 24 January 2011

Filming day four - Park (final)

This is our final shoot now! hip hip hurray! although enjoyed filming I just want to start editing all of our footage and see the final master piece!

Today we went to the playing fields as there is a long pathway running through the middle. Although all the leafs have gone it's still a pretty site although it was SO cold!

Firstly we filmed Oyinda walking down the path with John magically appearing closer as Oyinda walks, then suddenly appearing by her face! We filmed this by recording then stopping the camera so he could move forward. When editing this part we will fit each appearance to the beat of the song.

As my previous research into Dolly's (analyzing technical codes label) shows we decided to use a bike as a Dolly. This was an easy, zero cost related method, However how we was wrong. He first started by Oyinda walking forward lip syncing towards the camera. And all of us pushing the bike backwards. It does not look at easy as it seems , you had to control the came, the bike, the music and it was all very shaky and not a nice site!

Furthermore we filmed Oyindas footsteps walking towards the camera, we were thinking we could edit this with a recurring image, as shown in my previous research. (Jordin sparks)

Lastly, and my favourite bit was Oyinda chasing John down the path with a high heel in her right hand! This was a very funny shot. However we needed to film this a few times as we tried to zoom but either did too much or too little.

It was really funny when we started filming as there was a man running up and down the path. Now you may seem that this is an everyday occurrence, however it's really not when you see a 70 year old man in small turquoise briefs doing some weird walk I'd never seen in my life! so although we it was we certainly kept our self warm by laughter. However he did get in the way of our filming a bit! The next strange think we encountered was a dog licking the tripod, and a young boy nearly mowing us over on a bike!

To conclude, I have very much enjoyed filming and am just so excited to start editing!

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