Bailey - Knock em out

Friday 1 April 2011

Changes to my digipak

So after some thought and revising my digipack research. I compared my digipack to others such as Lilly Allen, Gwen Stefania and Uffie. I realised my digipack didn't really conform to the pop genre. I have made a few minor adjustments to make my digipack look more like a pop album. To reassure myself i'm making the right descion I also asked my friend Becca what genre she thought my album cover is, she said It could be pop or indie. So therefore I definately need to make it look more pop as the audience need to be sure. The conversation is as follows:

The 2 inside covers:

Before I used a sepia effect with the colours in the background. However whilst looking at my digipack before I really didn't think it fit the pop genre of an album. I was looking at Katy Perry's album cover and hers is very much pink, blue with candy sweets. These are generic conventions of a pop album. Using Picasa photo editing software I decided to change the two inside covers and made them more girly. I added pink polka dots to each corner so when they are next to each other the polka dots will have symmetry. Instead of using a sepia effect I instead used a black and white effect with a soft focal point in the middle to bring out the colour of her shoes and bringing attention ti the centre of the CD. I then used another photo editing software called Blingee. This is actually a website to you upload the pictures then add bits. This is the only way I was able to achieve the pink glitter effect. This really stands out against the black and white and gives a real feminine touch.

The Front cover:

I have left the front cover as it is as I really like the cover and think it represents pop and the artist Bailey coming from a London background, likewise to Lilly Allen who's song Knock em out inspired us.

The Back cover:

In the back cover I've left the background and the writing the same. However I felt it was important to have a picture of the artist so the audience can recognise the album with the artist and the genre. However although most albums have the artist on the front I decided to challenge this convention. In albums such as Uffie they have also not got the artist on the front and it still looks like a pop album. due to allot of pink. Here I've used a quirky picture of Bailey and added pink sparkles from

I am now really happy with my design and belive it really fits my pop genre :)

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