Bailey - Knock em out

Monday 29 November 2010

A band or single performer?

So basically at the moment the band is called: 'The Coralliens' where there is four band members. However I've been doing some thinking and I wasn't sure if a band would be appropriate for the song knock em out by Lilly Allen as she is a single performer. The story board could be tailored to either a single performer or a band as all we would do is change the people.

Band idea:

If we were to have a band then the idea would be to have four band members and them changing in the song (like the Tia maria video below. For example in the performance part of our idea the girls would be performing but changing faces and costumes. However as all four of us wouldn't be able to be in it and film this would cause problems on getting the correct angles and composition. Another idea also came into action. We could still have the band but there is one main girl singer and the others feature, however after much research into band videos you often see the band constantly together whereas if we were to have one main singer and other band member this wouldn't look like a proper band and defeat the whole object of a band.

Spice girls - wannabe

Girls aloud biology

The Saturdays - Higher

As you can see in all these popular band videos the band members are constantly featured together. I think we should conform to band characteristics and constantly features us, no just in some parts.

Single Performer idea:

The second idea for the video would be to just have on single performer. We were thinking this as the song is by Lilly Allen, a single performer. For this we would just Taylor the story board to the single performer. However I realised were not actually doing a Lilly Allen performance, we are the Coralliens! We therefore should Taylor the song to our band. As long as we tick all of the marking criteria and get the right shots then the video fit the band.

Pixie Lott - Broken Arrow

As you can see the video is mostly featuring just the main performer. I think we should stick to the band idea as I want us to all feature in it!

Friday 26 November 2010

The unique coralliens!

I'm very excited to start filming now as our band is established and our song chosen. The reason why I think the coralliens would be popular is because of our uniqueness. I think a band has to portray signs or originality and be unique to everyone else. An inspirational band and who are remembered for their original charactor are the Spice Girls!

The spice Girls

The spice girls are famously known for their each unique charactors in the band.

Monday 22 November 2010

Audience and producer research

A text is usually associated with the content and genre. The key elements inside the text are referred to as paradigms and associate with costume, music etc. depending on the medium.
Audiences recognise these elements and bring expectations to the text. These paradigms are grouped through: iconography (signs and symbols), structure (How text is put together) and theme (issues and ideas).
Genre is important for both the audience and the producers.

Conformity to established conventions as it gives the audience what they want. As genres are established many people want a taste of what its’ like therefore more studios send out that same genre. However the audience soon get bored and loose interest as there is so much choice and repetition. An example of this boredom is through reality television shows with contestants, prizes, themes and iconography, the audience know what to expect and just get bored.
genre provides structure and form which allows creativity . Characteristics of genre are constantly changing to audience tastes as values change through time.

Friday 19 November 2010

Challening or conforming to conventions of pop music video?

In most music videos such as those examples below the usual norm in music videos is to follow the man around and the male usually being the main protagonist. However my group and I want to challenge these conventions with the female being the main protagonist. We want to incorporate a feminist view that the women is in face in charge instead of the man. In modern society we women no longer have to rely on men to earn a living or support a family due to many social factors such as higher female employment and welfare benefits.

In our music video were going to have the male being rejected by the female and the boy basically chasing the girl in the whole video.

Conforming to music conventions:

50 cent - Candy shop, here the girls are all conforming to the stereotypical view of men being in power, they are using their sex appeal to seduce the male.

Monday 15 November 2010

Audience theory research.

Audience theory is how the audience will react to a text, or in my case a music

The Hypodermic Needle Model

From the early 1900’s Hypodermic needle theory was first used to explain how audiences react to mass media. It suggests audiences receive information transmitted by media text and don’t attempt to challenge the data. In th1 1900’s when this theory was first developed was a time when mass media was fairly recent. The government had only just discovered the power of advertising to pass on a message and influence people.
The model suggests information from a text transmits into the consciousness of a audience. It suggests we are manipulated by the text and our way of thinking and ways may change to suit that hypothesis. This theory is still used relatively recently by parents, politicians and educators to explain why some people shouldn’t be exposed to certain types of information. For example a young child watching violent films may be prone to copy their behaviour, therefore acting upon the media text.

Two-Step Flow

Media researchers attempted to find a more precise theory to explain the relationship between audience and media text. As media is such an influential part of society it needs to influence people way of thinking.
Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet attempted to evaluate Voters desicsions in the 1940 election and processed the results in the people’s choice. They proposed information doesn’t flow strait from the text to the audience mind but is clarified through opinion leaders to communicate and have an influence. The audience will then make a decision based from the direct media but also the opinions, A two-step follow. Social factors are also to the way audience’s interpreted text.

Thursday 11 November 2010

Can't Knock em out - storyboarding

In As Media I created a story board for two minutes of a horror film, however in AS the film was allot less choppier with allot less different shot types. In music videos there should be at least 150 different shots!

So far we are half way through our story board, it's tooken us all week just to do this one! It's a very long and tiring process making sure we get all the correct shot types in, whilst making it fit the beat! We timed the lyrics to the shot types so when editing we will know where everything fits in! This is our first story board so there could indeed be a few more changes!

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Soloist and lip syncing!

Right even though I've only just posted a blog about how were going to be such an amazing band, we are now a soloist! After much discussion and lip syncing we realised it would be difficult for us ALL to learn the song and it would actually look better as a soloist! However were going to have to come up with a new band name now, this isn't too difficult and we can still use our storyboard.

However as we all want to be the main artist on Friday or Wednesday were going to have to show the class a clip of us lip-syncing. Then the audience will vote on who looks the best lip syncing. Danielle and I practised some lip syncing today for reach for the stars by S-club 7! and Can't knock em out by Lilly Allen (below)

We found that when lip syncing Lilly Allen knock em out it was such a hard song as the lyrics are fast. Therefore whoever is the artist really needs to knock the song of by heart and really exaggerate the words or it won't look right.

Cant knock em out - Lilly Allen

Reach for the stars!