Here are just a few of the responses we got back.. pretty impressive!

'Costume was appropriate, liked the forward and rewinding effect'

" Fits with music genre - Excellent"
"Loved all the different shots"
"Video went well with the song choice"
"Favourite part, the ending scene"
"Good effects and camera angles"
"Great lighting"
"Good use of different camera angles"
"Good locations, which matched song choice"
"White background was very effective"
"Fast pace shots worked well"
"Good use of rewinding effect"
"Good lip syncing"
"Fun video, matches song"
"Fantastic costumes, and locations"
"Great range of shots"
"very funny/cute"
"Excellent split screens"
"Funny/well edited"
"Creative use of props/costumes'
Use of props connect with the lyrics"
"Fantastic camera angles"
Great variety, fits with genre"
"Quirky and enjoyable because of the location changes"
"Upbeat got me grooving in my seat"
"Creative and effective ending"
Here is a video from the video booth of two of our peers giving us some feedback. This made us really happy as they really enjoyed it and they are the target audience we want to reach, so I feel reassured we have met their expectations... enjoy
Below I have summarised my feedback into 2 tables: a pie chart and a bar chart. This makes it easier for my to evaluate the strong parts of my video, and see what the audience enjoyed most. I will then be able to see if I conformed to the pop genre and met the audiences expectations. In the pie chart I showed my video to my form and asked them to say what aspects of the film they thought were the best. Here are my results.
my bar chart:
< Here this shows that people thought the editing was the best. This is very reassuring as the editing is the main component which fits the video together.
my pie chart: Overall this shows that people had very similar views of my video and they thought all aspect were good. These were the most familiar comments which popped up
Overall I believe I was able to meet the audiences expectations, I am happy with my video and believe that in future projects I will be able to do the same again.
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